June 8, 2016

Key to the Highway     6-8-2016                                            
Here’s a really short blog entry for you.  Computer problems, combined with our upcoming Blues Marathon (noon Friday June 24th thru the weekend winding down as Sunday becomes Monday at midnight), have made me go old school today and likely for our next show in departures from our British Blues saga.  I have no playlist for today because I will just enter the studio in a fly by the seat my pants mode and pick material from what has come into the station recently, something I used to do frequently until beginning this English endeavor.  I’ll be back in two weeks on the Wednesday before the marathon and then again the Wednesday following with Paul as we normally share the fifth Wednesdays.  I should be ready to return on July 13th with one of the last three or four shows in our British Blues “extravaganza”, an apt word if for no other reason than its sheer duration.

Since there is no musical meat in this blog, I thought I’d touch on some current events that caught my fancy  – HOORAY Hillary Clinton, so sad about Muhammed Ali, go Warriors (and Sharks), and BOO HISS to that cross between a carnival barker and David Duke that goes by the name of Donald Trump.  I never understood before how anyone’s sum total of parts could be total more than 100%, but Trump is 50% showman P.T. Barnum (notable for his belief that there’s a sucker born every minute) while still being a racist, misogynistic and religion-based bigot throughout every bone of his body.  Heaven help this ignorant country!  I believe it was Barnum who said “This way to the egress”.

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